Forums for the book are open to the public. Look for the “forums” button in the menu bar and join in, or look for each chapter-specific forum on its page. I’ll moderate with a light touch, just making sure things stay civil. Mostly, I’m eager to learn with you, so please share.

I’ve started a facebook discussion page as well. Please join, invite others, and start chatting!

I’ll post additional forums, discussion boards, and book chats here as they come online. To let me know about a new one, please throw it in the comments or email me at Thanks!

*Summer 2017 teacher-organized online book club sign-up and schedule.*

The twitter hashtag #BecomingMath is a great space too.

Reviews of and blogposts about Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You’d Had:

Amie Albrecht
Jennifer Fairbanks
David Butler

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